Jumat, 06 Desember 2019

Belum Saatnya

Teruntuk kamu, yang pernah singgah sebentar di hatiku.
Walau sebentar, tapi aku banyak belajar.

Tidak mudah untuk ku
Bermetamorfosa bagaikan Cinderella

Proses selalu memberikan hasil
dan mimpi luar biasa
Tapi belum tentu juga
karena tanpa tekad
Semuanya sia-sia ternyata

Termasuk kamu,
apalah arti jika tiba-tiba kau pun putus asa

Kau pikir aku tidak berpikir..??

Galau dan gundah gulana,
Sebenarnya ada
Hanya saja percuma,
Karena aku sudah tua

Terus saja aku mengiringi waktu
Biarkan aku tanpa menunggu
Karena aku tak suka menunggu
jelas melelahkan
Karena aku jadi semakin renta

Setiap hari
Aku berkaca,
Bukankah aku ini sudah tua?
Tak seorang pun tau,
Apa yang ku rasa
Iya memang aku sembunyid
Atas Derita karena cinta

Aku bukan budak cinta
Yang akan memelas
dan meminta dengan paksa

Aku sudah terbiasa
Membiarkan mantan menikah duluan
Barulah aku cari yang lain, jika masih ada sisa

Begitupun kau, sama
Entah sampai kapan aku pun tetap biasa
Menjadi wajarnya manusia
Takkan memelas ataupun memaksa

Karena aku memang lelah
Atas masa tunggu yang begitu lama
Seperti tak berguna
Tidak ada tekad dan tak nekad
Kan percuma
Jadi buat apa

Teruntuk kamu yang pernah ku kenal walau sebentar
Terima kasih, padamu aku Belajar banyak rasa

Kamis, 13 Juni 2019


Who would have thought that beyond the cliffs to the east of Sumbawa Island there was a dense forest? Overland access that drains a lot of sweat makes this area rarely visited by humans. The sea route was half dead, because it must hit the waves and against the current is so strong. The eastern cliffs of Sumbawa Island are still densely decorated with towering trees. Piles of hexagonal stones in the Cape of Maria, a row of mangroves Ndoko, towering cliffs beautifully decorated waterfalls in Nanga Kala and Rano, that is the privilege of eastern Sumbawa.
The joint research team comprising Flora Fauna, Geology, Disaster Potential and Socio Cultural Expedition in the eastern region of Sumbawa. A total of 21 people made the expedition to use two fishing boats for 4 hours through the Sape Strait. This 4-day study has produced remarkable results. One of them is the discovery of a team of Geologists who discovered the hexagonal stone in Maria Cape. The Disaster Potential Team found a cliff valley that opened into a farm in Nanga Kala. While the socio-cultural team learns the farming and fishermen who live in Nangakala and Pulau Kelapa. For the Flora Fauna team, the eastern part of Sumbawa presents a gallant predatory greeting.
Picture 2. White-bellied Fish-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) (photografer : Jericho)
White-bellied Fish-eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster), Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) dan Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus gallicus) are predatory animals that are found every day. The three species of eagle is very utilize a high place like a cliff or a large tree used to perched and stalking prey. While the food in the form of fish, amphibians, reptiles and small birds (in the language of Bima called keri'i). Strategic location is shown on the cliffs lined from Maria Cape to Rano. This location is directly adjacent to the Sape Strait known as the area of ​​the current vortex and has an abundant level of diversity of fish species.
Picture 2. The Rows of cliffs in Maria Cape (photografer : Nur Sita Hamzati)
The territorial division of these three predators is not very clear. White-bellied Fish-eagleis the largest type of eagle than the Brahminy Kite and Short-toed Snake Eagle. Although it has never been observed all three of them attacked each other, but the White-bellied Fish-eagleseem to be the animals that most menguasasi waters area. Brahminy Kite occasionally flies in the territorial waters, but tends to approach the land and savannahs that lie behind the cliff. While the Short-toed Snake Eagle, with the typical behavior of flying without moving places by flapping the wings steadily over the savanna.
Picture 3. Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus) (photografer : Nur Sita Hamzati)
The encounter of these three species of eagle began at 08.00 WITA and observed still flying low. This could be a clue that the nesting location is assumed to be close to the location found. Based on information from the community, one of the large mangrove trees located in Ndoko has been found a nest of White-bellied Fish-eagle. Another clue, there are several large trees located on the cliffs of Nanga Kala which is used as a perch location and rest.
Picture 4. Landscape of Eastern Sumbawa (fotografer : Nur Sita Hamzati)
The existence of a natural forest, composed of cliffs, large trees is a habitat suitable for the survival of predators. Various types of large trees found in Nangakala, Ranu, Ndoko and Tanjung Maria are potentially used as a nesting site and perch for the predator. Therefore, the need for forest conservation in eastern Sumbawa. Where this habitat strongly supports the survival of the three types of predators on the eastern horizon of Sumbawa Island.